Sunday, June 13, 2010 I haven't posted pictures in forever. Sue me. Just when we thought spring was coming to New England we get one last blast of snow but it melted quickly.

Finally Easter arrived and we celebrated with the Brulotte side of the family. We had a great Easter Egg hunt.

Nana all dressed up and surround
by good looking boys!

Funny the horses ass is next to the Brulotte Boys:) Anyway. During April vacation we took the boys to Family Day at Anheuser-Busch in Merrimack NH. The boys loved being able to see and touch those huge horses.

Now Memorial Day has arrived and its time to go camping with our extended family "The Nagles". This year we tried a new campground way up north in Crawford Notch.

Illy joined us for her first camping trip!!

She was a great camper once she got over being dirty:)

This is Illy telling us how much she likes camping. This is a happy face !!!! Really!!!

Pep showing her the river!!!

We had waterfront sites and a beautiful view of the White Mountains!!

We were all suprised by our dear friends the Bugnacki's!!! They secretly got sites just up the trail from us!!! They boys were determined to go tubing even if it was freezzzzing!!!

Here is our little bathing beauty!!! She too wanted to go in the river until she found out how old it really was!!

Mrs. Bug and Mara taking a nap!!! While the quiet lasted......20 minutes.

Oh did I mention the black flies had just hatched and they were hungry. Poor Dru was really attacked. We couldn't show pictures of Holly there was too much blood!!! Really!!!

Illy with her best bud Mara. She was so happy when Mara came into camp. She yelled MAra!! My friend Mara is here!!!

Our men prepping for the night!!!

Action Jackson hanging out for the ladies!!!

Ok without getting into great detail.... I played a
little trick on Holly and she got my husband to help her get me back by backing the truck up to the porta potty while I was taking care of business. Thank goodness I was in the porta potty.I was laughing so hard I thougth I would pee my pants.

She really does love me like a sister.

Now our latest project our vegatable garden!!! Finally I have been waiting almost 7 years...since we moved from Deerfield.

This would be our first attempt at table grapes!!!
Thanks Impa for your construction assistance and your decorative touch!!!

. not in complete order ...Deb wanted to see pictures of my gardens so they are mixed in too

Farmer Liz prepping the new raised beds!!
My tractor is not a sweet as yours Lisa but someday!!!!

Robusta gusta roses..from my master gardener sister!!!

Here's what the raised beds look like!!! Soon they will have many lush vegatables growing in them!!

these are the beautiful yellow Calla lilies the boys gave me for Mother's Day!!!

Deb this is my freak white frilled bleeding heart!!

Pretty white sweet smelling flower that I can't remember the name of !!!

Our first mountain laurel finally blooming!!!

Poppies from the Nagles!!!

Thank you all for looking through our window of the world here in Gilmanton, NH. Only 7 days of school left. (not that I am counting) Then we start summer camp!! I will have lots more fun pictures in the coming months.