Saturday, December 27, 2008

Happy Holidays to all near and far!!

Good afternoon. Well another Christmas has pasted and it's hard to believe. We had a quiet yet wonderful day. The boys slept in until almost 7am!! Thank you Lord! Our older kids and grandbaby all came on Friday afternoon and left this morning. It was really fun to watch Jack and Dru with Ilyana!!! They just love her up!!

Ilyana on her new rocking horse from Nana!! She was still riding it at 9pm last night.

Jack practicing his Santa skills.

How many Uncles does it take to help Ilyana open her gifts??

Ily loved ripping the paper. Just keep feeding them to her!!!

Ilyana wearing her new sweater from Grammie! Of course the first words out of her mouth this morning is " Where's Grammie!!!"

We miss our family scattered across the the state and the US!! Wishing you all good health and peace this coming year!! We love you all very much!

I'm still new at this blog stuff so hang in there until I get better at it. Oh did I mention we got Wii fit for Christmas and my fitness age was that of a 37 year old. That's right baby!!!

PS> I forgot my camera at school so took pictures with Jade's camera. Will get more of the family next week ...when I get the camera back.

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Virgin Blog?!

Hello Everyone,

My sister Deb has nagged me to death to get a blog going...So here is my first entry.

Here is picture of our wedding tree. For those of you who may remember we gave small Colorado spruce trees as wedding favors. Deb and Dan grew this one for us before we had a yard. When they moved this year they gave it to us.

It's almost 7 feet tall.

This what Scott looked like after cleaning out from this last storm which gave us about 12 inches of snow.

I'm just learning so more to come!!